Can't find a way to achieve a specific layout

Many thanks ! It’s working well :slight_smile:

Posting a solution for Question #1 for google…

// ...

	public class MyCFlapLayoutManager extends CFlapLayoutManager {
		public int getSize( FlapDockStation station, Dockable dockable )
		 * A hack to allow each Dockable to have its own default size.  All we
		 * do is set the stations default window size to our size if it is
		 * available, return getSize, and restore the default window size.  The
		 * getSize method will take care of the normal logic for us (such as
		 * only setting the size to the default when the flap is first opened).
			int oldDefault = 0, rt;
			boolean instance = dockable instanceof MyDockable.MyDefaultCommonDockable;
			if ( instance )
				oldDefault = station.getDefaultWindowSize();
				station.setDefaultWindowSize( ( (MyDockable.MyDefaultCommonDockable) dockable ).getDefaultFlapWindowSize() );
			rt = super.getSize( station, dockable );

			if ( instance ) {
				station.setDefaultWindowSize( oldDefault );
			return rt;
	public static class MyDockable extends DefaultSingleCDockable {
		public static class MyDefaultCommonDockable extends DefaultCommonDockable {
			private int defaultFlapWindowSize = 400;
			public MyDefaultCommonDockable( CDockable dockable,
					DockActionSource... sources )
				super( dockable, sources );
			public void setDefaultFlapWindowSize( int size ) {
				defaultFlapWindowSize = size;
			public int getDefaultFlapWindowSize() {
				return defaultFlapWindowSize;
		public MyDockable( String id, Component comp, CAction... actions )
			super( id, comp, actions );
		public MyDockable( String id, CAction... actions )
			super( id, actions );
		// ...
		public void setDefaultFlapWindowSize( int size ) {
			DefaultCommonDockable intern = intern();
			if (intern instanceof MyDefaultCommonDockable) {
				((MyDefaultCommonDockable)intern()).setDefaultFlapWindowSize( size );
		public int getDefaultFlapWindowSize() {
			DefaultCommonDockable intern = intern();
			if (intern instanceof MyDefaultCommonDockable) {
				return ((MyDefaultCommonDockable)intern()).getDefaultFlapWindowSize();
			} else {
				return 0;
            // Insert our own "middleman" so we can store default sizes
	    protected DefaultCommonDockable createCommonDockable(){
		    return new MyDefaultCommonDockable( this, getClose() );

Then for the CControl

		// Control will use our custom layout managers when internally creating FlapDockStations
		control.putProperty( FlapDockStation.LAYOUT_MANAGER, new MyCFlapLayoutManager() );
                myDockable.setDefaultFlapWindowSize( 200 );