Dock action location


I’m using the core library with the eclipse theme and I’m adding at runtime a dockable to a SplitDockStation.

Before adding the dockable to the SplitDockStation I’ve added to the dockable a close action using:

  1. bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.action.CloseAction
  2. Adding the closeAction to the DockActionSource
  3. then calling dockable.setActionOffers(DockActionSource);

I’m getting the close action before the maximize action. I want to make the close action the last action.
Could you please advice?


The constructor of DefaultDockActionSource can take a “LocationHint”, and a LocationHint can tell the framework where to place the actions. Like:

DockActionSource source = new DefaultDockActionSource( hint, ... );```

If you need actions on both sides of the maximize action, then you'll have to use more than one DockActionSource with different LocationHints. For that you have to implement an ["ActionGuard"](