I am sorry, if the question repeats.
How to paint the necessary color the corners specified in drawing?
I am sorry, if the question repeats.
How to paint the necessary color the corners specified in drawing?
Usually the color is just the background color of the Component that paints the border. Are you using some special LookAndFeel that causes panels to have different background colors? Because the border is painted by a subclass of JPanel.
Anyways, the color can be changed by accessing the ColorManager:
ColorManager colors = control.getController().getColors();
colors.put( Priority.CLIENT, "stack.border.edges", Color.GREEN );```
colors.put( Priority.CLIENT, "stack.border.edges", Color.GREEN );
helped, thanks.
i use nimbus LAF and
control.getController().getThemeManager().setBackgroundPaint(ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT + ".station.flap", new MyPaint());
control.getController().getThemeManager().setBackgroundPaint(ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT + ".station.split", new MyPaint());
still question on a picture (border color flap edge and background color of grouped tabs)
The “flap edge color” can be changed with
control.getController().getColors().put( Priority.CLIENT, "flap.button.border.edges", Color.RED );
(if necessary it would also be possible to replace the entire border)
The background of the right side stack can be changed with
theme.setBackgroundPaint( ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT + ".tabPane", new MyPaint() );
There is not really any documentation that shows all the different keys for changing colors, so if you have more questions just ask them please.
I guess the next question will be “how to change the colors of the tabs”? Please open the class “ArchGradientPainter”, the documentation there contains a list of all keys for the ColorManager.
thank you very much