One more cause of “Error while loading native library with base name “JCudaDriver”” solved.
config: jCuda 3.2, 3.2a, CUDA 3.2, netbeans(6.9, 7.0), winXP, win7(32b, 64b)
The error was thrown under JDK5 and JDK6.
Started working after installing JDK7.
I don’t see a connection between the JDK and the loading of the native lib. It’s good to know that it is solved, but it would be better to know what was wrong there before… Actually, the JDK7 should not be necessary…
EDIT: I found the dependency on JDK is on winXP only(or maybe just one of my PCs). I got lot of testing running on WinXP and Win7 and got little confused, sorry for misleading info.
In netbeans 7.0 on winXP, I just go to project properties and in “Libraries” category switch the field Java Platform and when it’s set on “JDK 1.7”, it works, when “JDK 1.6 (Default)”, it gives the above error(I’ve tried to switch several times back and forth, just to be sure).
But I guess it’s just matter of NB and settings, maybe some bug…