Info about Stations and Dockables


I’m reading the documentation and there are things that do not quite understand.

Can you make a summary of the lessons that can be used to create dockable and Stations in Common, with a brief description?

I really appreciate it, I’m a little lost because my English is not very good. :frowning:

Thanks and Regards

I cannot write a summary due to lack of skill, and lack of time.

But if you have more specific questions (how do I use class X, how works feature Y, how do I configure Z, …) then I’ll be happy to answer them.

Ok, I understand. :wink:

And a list of classes that are Stations? or in that package are these?

Thank you!

Information like this you can find in JavaDoc (see “all implementing classes”).

If a class is close to the root in the package tree, then it is a more important class then a class that is not so close to the root.

Ok, Thanks! :smiley: