We have an application which uses Docking Frames (great job, by the way!). The problem is that running with Java 6 update 14, on Windows Vista WITH Aero enabled, a JMenu is most of the times invisible. I mean that the content of the window behind my application is shown. It looks like it is a back-buffer which is mixed up.
(All with Java 6 update 14)
-If I don’t use the Docking Frames the menu is OK.
-If I use the Docking Frames without Windows Aero, the menu is OK.
-If I use the Docking Frames with Aero, the menu is INCORRECT.
You may see more in the snapshot I provide. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? I used the preview of 1.0.8 and the same happens.
Hm, could have something todo with with the glass-panes (they already caused similar with AWT-components), I’ll try to reproduce this error on my computer…
I could not reproduce the bug, but when using 1.6.14 painting does definitely not behave as it should. I get strange artifacts all over the applications. Do you use any other special settings, e.g. mixing Swing and AWT?
Sorry, I forgot to reply. I try again during the weekend (can’t work on these things during the week). The hint with the open-gl canvas might help, is it from a public available library?
I have a beta version which I can send you to try the bug. http://automatix.talent.gr/~vasiliou/CruiserStandardSetup.exe
I have tested it in multiple computers, with ATi, NVidia or Intel graphics cards and the same happens on Vista with Aero enabled. Can you give it a try?
Try displaying the menus. The first time they appear. After that they will possibly show screen trash. In <installation_folder>\Talent\Cruiser\system\libraries\java\gr_talent_cruiser_system hird-party are the docking frames jars.
If I try to start the application the splash-screen appears, then it hangs. CPU time goes down to 0% and nothing more happens. I don’t see any error-log or other message? I waitet 5 minutes, but it did not recover.
I’m using Windows Vista, Java 1.6.0_14, ATI Radeon Mobile.
Too bad! From all the users that tested the beta version you are the only one to report this and the most remote and difficult to debug!
I know I am being a great pain to you, but could you please open the file launcher.properties in the installation folder with a text editor and add the line console=true
A console window will open when you start and you can copy all the text and send it to me. It is better if we use private mail for this and post the results only in the topic. My email is my last name (vasiliou) followed (@) my company name (talent.gr).