An early preview of JNpp has just been uploaded to the JCuda website. It offers access to the image processing routines of NPP. It is only a thin layer around the original NPP API, but I indend to create some more convenient, Java-style, Object-Oriented wrapper classes.
Someone alerady provided the Win64 binaries a few days ago (version 4.2.9), but I have not yet uploaded them. I’ll try to do this later today, together with the Win32 ones for version 4.2.9. But in any case, note that this libarary is still in a VERY early stage - but because of this, some feedback (also concerning a possible OO-layer) would be appreciated.
I’m currently uploading the updated version, it should be available in a few minutes.
Note that this is basically still the same as the previous one. Only the binaries have been updated for CUDA 4.2.9. I need much more time to continue with this…
This version is intended for CUDA 5.0.35. It now also supports the signal processing functions for NPP, via the JNpps class. A basic example can be found at