Migrating to version 1.1.1

Hello, first off I love Docking Frames its the best out there!
After a two year distraction I’ve come back to this project. Problem is int(drawAction) of the class below to class CDropDownItem.

public class DrawMenuAction extends CDropDownItem{
private DrawCAction drawAction;
String drawItem;
VisualATS v;
int item =0;
public DrawMenuAction(final VisualATS v, final String drawItem, int item){
super( null );
drawAction = new DrawCAction( this );
:stumm: init(drawAction);
this.drawItem = drawItem;
this.item = item;
public void triggeredByMenu( CDockable dockable ){
switch (item) {
case 0 : …

DrawCAction looks like this:

public class DrawCAction extends SimpleDropDownItemAction implements StandardDropDownItemAction{
public static final ActionType DRAWACTION = new ActionType( “drawAction” );

private DrawMenuAction master;

public DrawCAction( DrawMenuAction master ){
	this.master = master;

public DrawMenuAction getMaster(){
	return master;

public <V> V createView( ViewTarget<V> target, ActionViewConverter converter, Dockable dockable ){
	return converter.createView( DRAWACTION, this, target, dockable );
public boolean trigger( Dockable dockable ){
	master.triggerByUnknown( ((CommonDockable)dockable).getDockable() );
	return true;


I tried casting drawAction to CDecorateableAction, but does not work. Works well in the early API.
drawAction is added to a icon drop down action.

Can anyone help?

[QUOTE=glikar]Hello, first off I love Docking Frames its the best out there!
After a two year distraction I’ve come back to this project. Problem is int(drawAction) of the class below to class CDropDownItem.

public class DrawMenuAction extends CDropDownItem{
private DrawCAction drawAction;
String drawItem;
VisualATS v;
int item =0;
public DrawMenuAction(final VisualATS v, final String drawItem, int item){
super( null );
drawAction = new DrawCAction( this );
:stumm: init(drawAction);
this.drawItem = drawItem;
this.item = item;
public void triggeredByMenu( CDockable dockable ){
switch (item) {
case 0 : …

DrawCAction looks like this:

public class DrawCAction extends SimpleDropDownItemAction implements StandardDropDownItemAction{
public static final ActionType DRAWACTION = new ActionType( “drawAction” );

private DrawMenuAction master;

public DrawCAction( DrawMenuAction master ){
	this.master = master;

public DrawMenuAction getMaster(){
	return master;

public <V> V createView( ViewTarget<V> target, ActionViewConverter converter, Dockable dockable ){
	return converter.createView( DRAWACTION, this, target, dockable );
public boolean trigger( Dockable dockable ){
	master.triggerByUnknown( ((CommonDockable)dockable).getDockable() );
	return true;


I tried casting drawAction to CDecorateableAction, but does not work. Works well in the early API.
drawAction is added to a icon drop down action.

Can anyone help?[/QUOTE]

Maybe a screenshot will help. The above is added to the icons in the button bar on each docking frame.

Since you are upgrading: I suggest you go directly to the preview version of 1.1.2, it is close to 1.1.1 but with more bugfixes.

The issue is just a matter of replacing some interfaces and super classes. Btw.: the framework is built in a way that casting almost always indicates that you are doing something wrong :wink:

Replace these lines…

public class DrawCAction extends SimpleDropDownItemAction implements StandardDropDownItemAction```

... with these lines:
```// Additional generic parameter
public class DrawMenuAction extends CDropDownItem<DrawCAction>

// CommonDropDownItem because every child of a CDropDownItem must now implement this interface
// CommonSimpleButtonAction because it already implements CommonDropDownItem
// Actually in this case you could remove the "implements ..." because the super class already contains that code.
public class DrawCAction extends CommonSimpleButtonAction implements CommonDropDownItem

Beni, thanks for your time and help, also thank you for your great docking framework!