Multiple screen dockable invisible on drop


Just started with your great work so maybe i missed something.

Getting some issue when dragging Dockable to 2nd screen.

I already found out several posts about it but all the people who wrote them didn’t follow up.

i’m just running the demo you provided with 3 Dockable green,red and blue panel.

  1. Dragging and dropping any of them on first screen works as expected.
  2. if i drag them (after dropping them on first screen) to 2nd screen no problems.
  3. if i drag and drop them on 2nd screen they are there but invisible.
  4. i can still find them , if i move them then to any screen they stay invisible.
  5. to make them reappear
    • i have to redock them to the controller
    • if i manage to find the small bar for resize while invisible and makes some size changes they appear and i can move them around to any screen without any problem, afterwards they stay visible.

before externalization
red visible? true
red showing? true
red location? [ccontrol center] [normal WEST 0.7] [normal NORTH 0.6] [leaf 1411462298772]

after externalization on 2nd screen (invisible)
red visible? true
red showing? true
red location? [externalized 1870 29 652 236]

i tried the small program you provided to make some tests
from thread 4321-Dragging-external-disappears
works perfectly, in any case (line commented out or not)

It looks for me like a painting issue.

while writing that post and testing i found out another minor issue

If I drag one of the panel on first screen, move it to 2nd screen, hover the mouse on one of the window button tooltip appears on first screen
moving it around doesnt change tooltip stays on first screen
if i drag/drop on 2nd screen directly (invisible), resize it to make it appear, tooltip is ok

Hope you can get a second screen :stuck_out_tongue:



I just did a test.
Replacing externalizable dockable default type from JDialog to JFrame (found it out in another post) using the window factory works fine when dropping them on 2nd screen…
They can only be redock into controller using the button and not drag/drop onto the main controller frame (i guess this behaviour can be modified if necessary on our side).


As far as I know are these issues not related to DockingFrames, but issues that are caused by Swing itself. In short: there is not much I can do to fix these issue, unfortunately. :frowning: