Query about GTX 580

Hi Marco,

I bought a display card - GTX 580

and I know that CUDA 4.0 final is out.

Can I use JCuda 0.4.2RC with CUDA 4.0 ?

And I know that CUDA 4.0 use Thrust library for doing sorting, replace CUDPP.
Is JCuda 0.4.2RC delete all the CUDPP library functions?



Yesterday I installed CUDA 4.0 final and started the update (BTW: The driver API seemed(!) to work with JCuda 0.4.0RC2, but the runtime API will have to be recompiled). Hopefully I’ll be able to upload the updated version 0.4.0 this week. It will still be a “beta” due to the internal refactoring, and the JCublas update is still pending.

Concerning thrust and CUDPP… it’s a little bit difficult. In order to continue using JCudpp, it might be possible to use the latest version of the JAR file, and the native libraries from JCudpp 0.3.2a together with the corresponding CUDPP library from the CUDA SDK 3.2. Since the CUDPP library did not change, it could work together with the matching JCudpp version. But I could not yet test this, and it might be the case that the real CUDPP library does not work with CUDA 4.0. In this case, it would be necessary to recompile the CUDPP library and the native JCudpp library, which may be some effort…

CUDA 4.0 was a major update and changed the rules of the game to some extent, it might take another iteration until everything is “consolidated” again…


Thanks for your information.
I will try the JCudpp0.3.2a with CUDA SDK 3.2 .

One more thing want to confirm that:
The JCuda 0.4.0RC2 64 bit linux version does not provide the thrust radix sort , right?

Look forward to JCuda 4.0 final and appreciate for your work. :slight_smile:



There is no support for thrust functions in JCuda … Maybe one day I find the time to support it.
