Release of 1.1.1

I haven’t find a tag or a commit in GIT that marks this release. My goal is to build the release from Maven.

Strangely enough I did find a tag (see attachement) :stuck_out_tongue: commit 9d611c884502cabaf844ec1522282c184a8d2d24

But then version numbers are mostly for show in this project, most times you should be happy with the head as well (especially since the head has a bit more bugfixes).

[QUOTE=Beni]Strangely enough I did find a tag (see attachement) :stuck_out_tongue: commit 9d611c884502cabaf844ec1522282c184a8d2d24

Thanks. By default tags are not transmitted to the remote repository with eGit, you can either configure the push or in menu Push…, click on „Add all Tags spec“.

Didn’t know that, thanks.