Resource-Files in the OSGI-environment


if core and common jars are placed in separated osgi-plugins, an error occured when using CControl.

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can’t find bundle for base name data.bibliothek.gui.dock.core.locale.text,…

at bibliothek.gui.DockController.createDefaultTextScheme(

The CDockController from common extends the DockController from core. In the method createDefaultTextScheme of the DockController
the ResourceBundle is initiated with** “this.getClass().getClassLoader()”** and the path of the property file in the core jar (line 390).
In the CDockController the ResourceBundle is using the classloader of the common plugin and tries to load some resource from the core plugin.

A Solution might be to use “DockController.class.getClassLoader()” instead of this.getClass().getClassLoader().


That sounds like a reasonable solution :wink: Will be done in the next release (this or next weekend).

Thanks for the „patch“.