Simple SplitDockStation question


I am sure this is an easy question but I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere. The SplitDockStation I want to add a dockable using the SplitDockStation.addDockable … but I want the layout to be Horizontal, so my new Dockable is added to the left of the current Dockable. I found the enum SplitDockStation.Orientation but I cannot see where how to apply it to a dockable being added, I see it is applied to the SplitNode, but once again I cannot find a way of retrieving this object either. Help ?


Used SplitDockGrid to accomplish needs.

You could also use the method “drop”. “drop” requires a “SplitDockProperty”, that could for example be “SplitDockProperty.WEST”. There is a second “drop” method with a “SplitDockPathProperty”, with this method you could insert a Dockable at an exact location in the tree of dockables (of the station).

Finally, you can get access to the tree of Dockables calling SplitDockStation#getRoot, but that tree should be used read-only.