vetoTab selection


What i would like to be able to do is cancel a tab selection based on a users input.
So user clicks a tab, a dialog pops up asking them to confirm they want to switch tabs.
but the vetoFocus method does not prevent the focus from changing …

What I did was

        dockController.getFocusObserver().addVetoListener(new FocusVetoListener(){

            public boolean vetoFocus(MouseFocusObserver controller,
                                     DockTitle title) {
                return false;

            public boolean vetoFocus(MouseFocusObserver controller,
                                     Dockable dockable) {
                if (dockable==testDockable && getActiveSituation()==SITUATIONS.TEST) {
                    return true;
                return false;

This worked to prevent the “setFrontDockable” from being called. But the input events where still being processed. What I ended up doing was the following

    class MyDefaultMouseFocusObserver extends DefaultMouseFocusObserver {
        public AWTEvent event = null;
        public MyDefaultMouseFocusObserver(DockController controller,
                                           ControllerSetupCollection setup) {
            super(controller, setup);
        protected void check(AWTEvent event) {

        dockController  = new DockController(new DefaultDockControllerFactory() {
            public MouseFocusObserver createMouseFocusObserver(DockController controller,
                                                               ControllerSetupCollection setup) {
                return new MyDefaultMouseFocusObserver( controller, setup );
        dockController.getFocusObserver().addVetoListener(new FocusVetoListener(){

            public boolean vetoFocus(MouseFocusObserver controller,
                                     DockTitle title) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return false;

            public boolean vetoFocus(MouseFocusObserver controller,
                                     Dockable dockable) {
                if (dockable==testDockable && getActiveSituation()==SITUATIONS.TEST) {
                    return true;
                return false;

This allowed me to consume the event and prevent the tab from being switched. Can the MouseFocusObserver be changed so that the vetoFocus method can consume the event ? Or is there a better way to do this ?


I don’t see a better way right now.

You are right about the event that should be consumed, I’ll somehow integrate this.

Ok, thanks for the response.
Will be looking for this in the next release :wink: