When Perspective only one CDockable, selected Failure

When Perspective only one CDockable, select this CDockable,then save Perspective, into another Perspective,then Back to this Perspective ?but this CDockable is not selected.

Later I found split two CDockable,one CDockable selected,Back to this Perspective is not selected,too.

seems only Multiple Tab status is correct.

Sorry,My English is very bad.

Minimize also have this problem . Perspective have 5 CDockable,3 is normal,2 is Minimized,select a normal CDockable,into another Perspective ,then back to this Perspective, Minimized is selected and show,but should be a normal selected.

The focus ( = selection) is never saved. Mainly because focus changes all the time and there would be almost no benefit in a persistent focus feature.

but multiple Tab status is correct.

I already know how to deal with, thank you.
I save Focus,then in CDockableLocationListener handle.