Alternate to JavaForge?

The JavaForge site is down. Is there an alternate site to download the latest build?


There is a repository on Github offering the newest source, the version stored there may or may not compile…

Otherwise: JavaForge sometimes crashes but usually goes online again pretty soon.

[Edit: I think JavaForge just got online again]

Ok first post - I’ll introduce myself later…

but just to say that I tried the github code yesterday and yes, it doesn’t compile!

This is not to say there is a problem though. I build my application with maven so I was using version 1.1.0 at Maven Central. This didn’t line up with the zip of that version I downloaded from javaforge so it was a bit tricky to step through with eclipse when you want to find out more about how things work.

I’m sure the github/maven effort will sort itself out in time but if like me you want to build with maven using the latest version of docking frames then you can publish the jars to your local maven repository:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=docking-frames-core.jar -DgroupId=org.dockingframes
-DartifactId=docking-frames-core -Dversion=1.1.1p5a-LOCAL -Dpackaging=jar

I must also say that DF is a brilliant effort…

I have to admit, that I still do not fully use the new toolchain with git and maven. My code is still checked in to SVN and then forwarded to Git. It’s something I should change, and once changed these issues should go away.

Just out of curiosity, what failure did you get during compilation?

[INFO] Compiling 865 source files to /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/target/classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,53] ‚)‘ expected
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,54] ‚;‘ expected
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,63] illegal start of expression
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,64] ‚;‘ expected
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,65] illegal start of expression
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,66] ‚;‘ expected
[ERROR] /home/tom/inqwell/DockingFrames/docking-frames-core/src/bibliothek/gui/dock/station/split/[407,114] not a statement
[INFO] 7 errors

So obviously not that major :slight_smile: