First, thanks for writing docking frames. It is excellent.
I really like the Bubble theme, some comments / suggestions:
1 Please provide a way to reduce the transition speed. I think 300-500 ms is enough time for transition, otherwise it is distracting to the user. I see there is a setter on BubbleColorAnimation, but animation has private access in AbstractBubbleDockTitle. Please expose it in the API or in the preferences.
2 In a selected window the title will fade on mouseover. Does this make sense? The window is already selected. I can see it makes sense for non-selected windows.
3 When selecting a window the title color will not make the full transition if the mouse is still on it. The window is selected, please make the full transition. This is related to #2
4 I notice docking frames doesn’t use JToolBars at all, but it would be interesting to see a bubble tool bar. I’m going to try some ideas myself.
5 I’m trying to configure the flap / minimize area using the common framework. Is there someway to set it to be the area to be used. Here is my example building off the paint example
workingArea = control.createWorkingArea("working");
workingArea.setLocation(CLocation.base().normalRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
minimizeArea = control.createMinimizeArea("minimize");
Keep up the great work!