Change color of minimize maximize icons

Hi, how can I change the weird violet color of the three top right icons (minimize, maximize, extend) which are currently violet??

I realized I can change the ccontrol theme with something like

EclipseTheme theme = new EclipseTheme();

however the theme I’m using is ok with me, I just want to change that weird violet color that I don’t even know where it comes from…

You can use “CControl.getIcons()” to gain access to the IconManager, where you can call “setIconClient” to override any Icon the library uses. Open the file “icons.ini” to see all the keys that exist. I think in this case you are looking at

locationmanager.normalize		= 	normalize.png
locationmanager.maximize		= 	maximize.png
locationmanager.minimize 		=	minimize.png
locationmanager.externalize		=	externalize.png
locationmanager.unexternalize	=	unexternalize.png
locationmanager.unmaximize_externalized = normalize.png

If you want to be informed whenever the theme changes, then you can use “CControl.getThemes().addThemeMapListener” to register a listener.

By the way, when using CControl, use “new CEclipseTheme” and not “new EclipseTheme”, otherwise some methods of common like “AbstractCDockable.getColors().set(…)” won’t work anymore.

Thank you, now the icons are much better… :lol: