I am using 0.3.1 JCuda and 3.1 nvidia cuda sdk. I compiled the .cu file with “nvcc -keep invertVectorElements.cu”. I set the cuModuleLoad filename to the .sm_10.cubin file generated.
When I ran the compiled java file, I got the invalid source error. I am running nvidia driver version 256.53 on a GTS 450 gpu.
Hello Durandal,
What Architecture (32 or 64 bit) are you using? You may try to add the respective architecture
nvcc -m32 -keep invertVectorElements.cu
nvcc -m64 -keep invertVectorElements.cu
BTW: You can also compile the CUBIN directly, using
nvcc -cubin theKernel.cu -o theKernel.cubin
(possibly adding the -m32 or -m64 flag if necessary)