
Actually, I run a sample jcuda code fro vector addition before this.So I am able to generate .ptx file but with some changes in kernel and kernel parameters. I got this error which is pointing to cuCtxSynchronize();. And there is no more info abut this error( as I read some of your older post : ).

My Kernel parameters and launching :

 Pointer kernelParameters = int[]{numElements}),;
		            gridSizeX,  1, 1,     							
		            blockSizeX, 1, 1,     							
		            (numElements * Sizeof.INT), null,      	         
		            kernelParameters, null 				

Please, can you help me to sort it out?

No offense, but … I assume that you changed things in the kernel without actually knowing what you are doing.

The thread that you linked to shows some basic debugging steps, which afterwards have also been summarized at - Debugging

If this does not help, post a minimal but complete example (including the kernel code), so that I can try it out.

[QUOTE=Marco13]No offense, but … I assume that you changed things in the kernel without actually knowing what you are doing.
Yes, exactly I am new to CUDA and JCUDA.

…but with some changes in kernel and kernel parameters. I got this error …[/quote]

And which changes are this?