Dis-/Enable Actions in titlebar of a CDockable

i just stumbled over another problem.
I use DefaultCDockable for the views. I can attach actions, that will be displayed in the titlebar of that view via addAction(…).
Is there a simple way to get back the action and enable or disable it?
There’s only removeAction(…) but no getAction(…) in DefaultCDockable.
How do i retrieve a once added action?
Woudln’t it be better to add actions also with a key like it’s done in AbstractCDockable#putAction(String, CAction)?
So one can receive the specified action by its key without iterating through the whole action list (if there where a getActions() method in DefaultCDockable)
I know that i can get the actions list by calling DefaultCDockable.intern().getActions() but that implies that i have to iterate the action list every time i want to access a specified action.
Hope i could describe my ‘problem’ good enough.

Thanks very much in advance for any suggestions!
Greetings, -chris-

I’ll add some “getAction” but it will be based on the index because actions are seen as list through the whole framework (writing some static helper-class or method for a map-like interface is not that hard for anyone who really needs this).

Hi Beni,
thanks again for your help.
I think i found a good solution that will work for my requirements.

Even if i can iterate through the action list, it impossible to identify them afterwards, because only the DockAction (CAction.intern()) of the CAction is put into the action list.
See in DefaultCDockable

    public void addAction( CAction action ){
        dockable.getActions().add( **action.intern()** );

So i don’t think you’ll have to provide getActions() on DefaultCDockable.

Greetings, -chris-