I have created an application with 2 dockable windows on the main frame. From the first window, I have implemented to open external docking frames on a button click. My external docking frame is correclty displayed on the top of the main frame. To implement it, I have used the external method of the CLocation class. When I move my external window above the main frame, it is automatically stacked on the top of the application and I don’t want this behaviour for my external windows. I would like to know if it is possible to deactivate easily this functionnality only for my external docking windows?
Hold down “shift” while moving around the Dockable. This is configurable by the property “DockRelocatorMode.SCREEN_MASK”. Also holding down “alt” should prevent stacking (configured by the property “DockRelocatorMode.NO_COMBINATION_MASK”). You can set a custom “ModifierMask” which is active if no button like “shift”, “ctrl”, … is pressed.
control.putProperty( DockRelocatorMode.SCREEN_MASK, customModifierMask );```
```DockController controller = ...
controller.getProperties().set( DockRelocatorMode.SCREEN_MASK, customModifierMask );```
If you want to implement a custom DockRelocatorMode, you can install it using
```DockController controller = ...
controller.getRelocator().addMode( yourNewMode );```