Dynamically add dockables after dropping grid as tree

Hi is it possible to still dynamically add and remove dockables one i drop the splitdockgrid as a tree?
Because i’ve tried playing around and what i observed is that I can still remove the dockables but i can’t seem to add back because its seems to me that once i do station.dropTree(grid.toTree()) the layout is fixed.

Currently what im trying to do is to set a default layout using split dock station. Each grid will be a stackdockstation (since stations are also dockables), and i will add and remove dockables to the stackdockstation now and then. Is there anyway around this?

Or do i have to use Common, which uses MultipleCDockables? which requires a factory

Thanks! (:

The grid is just a helper class for building the initial layout, once it is converted into the tree it is of no use any more. In Core, adding the Dockables directly to their parent DockStations is pretty much the only option you have.

I always advice to use Common, it is more prepared for such situations. For example it has a feature (see CDockable.getBaseLocation, CLocation.aside, CDockable.setLocation) to add a Dockable near an other visible Dockable. Or it automatically stores the location of Dockables if you close it (see CDockable.setVisible).