I made a simple grain growth simulation using JCuda/JOGL interoperability. The program works, in the cpu mode everything is ok, but when I run cuda growth of grains (shape) isn’t correct.
The program is based on the JCudaDriverGLsample. I use vbo to store positions of the points(first half of the vbo) and colors of the points(second half of the vbo). Positions are initialized once and then I use for a simulation only second half of the vbo and auxiliary objects (buffer, array) to store colors. Each position and color has component x,y,z and w. Each position has w = 1.0f all the time, but when a color have component w = 0.0f, there is no grain. I extreme simplify rules - each grain has the same colors, so I don’t have to do some computation.
At the begining the program randomize some initial grains which will grow. Grain mesh dimension = 1000 x 1000.
The question is: where did I make a mistake when I was creating a kernel based on the cpu version ?
Cuda settings:
cuFuncSetBlockShape(function, 10, 10, 1);
cuLaunchGrid(function, 100, 100);
The cpu version works correct. Grains in some phase of growth: screen
private void cpu(GL gl)
gl.glBindBuffer(GL3.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
byteBuffer = gl.glMapBuffer(GL3.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL3.GL_READ_WRITE);
if (byteBuffer == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to map buffer");
data = byteBuffer.asFloatBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
n = 0;
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < 999) && (j < 999))
if(data.get((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) == 0)
if(data.get(((((j - 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j - 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get((((j + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get(((j + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get((((j + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get((((j + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get((((j + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get(((((j + 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j + 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i - 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get(((((j + 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j + 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j + 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j + 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j + 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get(((((j + 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j + 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j + 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get((((j + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get(((j + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get((((j + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get((((j + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get((((j + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get(((((j - 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j - 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j - 1) + (i + 1) * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(data.get(((((j - 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW) != 0)
neighbourColors[n] = new Float4(data.get((((j - 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor),
data.get(((((j - 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY),
data.get(((((j - 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ),
data.get(((((j - 1) + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW));
if(neighbourColors[0].getW() != 0) //here should be some function which returns the most ferquent color, but I simplified this.
colorsBuffer.put(((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4), neighbourColors[0].getX());
colorsBuffer.put((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetY), neighbourColors[0].getY());
colorsBuffer.put((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetZ), neighbourColors[0].getZ());
colorsBuffer.put((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetW), neighbourColors[0].getW());
for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < 999) && (j < 999))
if(colorsBuffer.get(((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetW) != 0)
data.put((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor), colorsBuffer.get((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4));
data.put(((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetY), colorsBuffer.get(((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetY));
data.put(((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetZ), colorsBuffer.get(((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetZ));
data.put(((((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetColor) + offsetW), colorsBuffer.get(((j + i * grainMeshWidth) * 4) + offsetW));
gl.glBindBuffer(GL3.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
Cuda version in some phase of growth (a shape of grains should be identical as previous): screen
extern "C"
__global__ void graingrowth(float4* vbo, float4* colors, int width)
int tx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int ty = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
float4 tab[8];
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
tab** = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int x = 0;
if((tx > 0) && (ty > 0) && (tx < 999) && (ty < 999))
if(vbo[(ty + tx * width) + 1000000].w == 0.0f)
if(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[(ty + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[(ty + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[(ty + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[(ty + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[(ty + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx - 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[((ty + 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty + 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty + 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[(ty + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[(ty + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[(ty + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[(ty + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[(ty + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + (tx + 1) * width) + 1000000].w));
if(vbo[((ty - 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].w != 0.0f)
tab[x] = make_float4((vbo[((ty - 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].x),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].y),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].z),
(vbo[((ty - 1) + tx * width) + 1000000].w));
if(tab[0].w != 0)
colors[(ty + tx * width)] = tab[0];
if((tx > 0) && (ty > 0) && (tx < 999) && (ty < 999))
if(colors[(ty + tx * width)].w != 0.0f)
vbo[(ty + tx * width) + 1000000] = colors[(ty + tx * width)];