How to make focus travel between DefaultSingleCDockable when type Tab?

There are two DefaultSingleCDockable in my control, is there any way to let the focus travel between the DefaultSingleCDockable when I type Tab ?

Sorry for the late answer, I was not reading the forum.

Hm, that is a tricky question. Especially since “tab” already has a meaning.

One possible solution could be to map “tab” to the DockableSelector:

control.putProperty( DockableSelector.INIT_SELECTION, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_TAB, 0 ) );```
The selector is a little dialog where the user can select another Dockable with the arrow keys.

*** Edit ***

Or maybe just adding a KeyboardListener, catching events, and calling "toFront" on the next Dockable is enough. The defintion of "next Dockable" is up to you...
```        final CControl control = ...
        control.addKeyboardListener( new CKeyboardListener() {
			public boolean keyTyped( CDockable source, KeyEvent event ) {
				return false;
			public boolean keyReleased( CDockable source, KeyEvent event ) {
				if(event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB){
					int index = control.getRegister().getDockables().indexOf( source );
					index += 1;
					index %= control.getRegister().getDockableCount();
					CDockable next = control.getRegister().getDockable( index );
					if(next instanceof AbstractCDockable){
					return true;
				return false;

			public boolean keyPressed( CDockable source, KeyEvent event ) {
				return false;
		} );