Java Online Challenge


Die Java Challenge ist jetzt auf der EDITx Webseite freigeschaltet.

15 Minuten online Challenge, 18 Multiple-Choice-Tests und 3 Joker.

Viel Spaß, testet eure Kenntnisse und gewinnt tolle Preise (bis zu 1500€)

-> Feedback ist willkommen.

Man wird umgeleitet auf die belgische Challenge.

Der Linktext und das Linkziel haben nicht übereingestimmt, hab’ das mal gefixt. Wenn nicht OK, einfach PN.

Das könnte ja ganz unterhaltsam sein, aber die wollen bei der Accounterstellung halt schon sehr viel wissen :roll_eyes:

Ja, ich kenne das Portal nicht. Aber so nehme ich an „der Java Challange“ nicht teil. Sag für mich im ersten Blick nach Datensammeln aus. :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Welche Sprache wird eigentlich in Belgien gesprochen?
Und ist doch klar, dass die ein paar Daten möchten…

kann gerade nicht aufhören zu lachen :smiley:

Zum Thema, ich schau mir das heute Abend in Ruhe mal an. Mal gucken ob die gewünschten Daten zur Registrierung es wert sind für mögliche 1000€

Well, the site aims at collecting information, and ensures that the information is true and valid by offering an option to win 1000€ and saying that „discrepancies“ and „dishonest means“ can lead to a disqualification. I’m not sure how much a single data set/profile of this kind is worth on the „information market“, but I’m pretty darn sure that it pays off eventually.

Note that I’m not saying that there’s something wrong with that. Everybody does it :slight_smile: The birth date and education are crossing the line for me, but others may be willing to share this information in exchange for the option to win, some pastime, and maybe some (although unsolicited) job offers.

My name is Julien, I am working for EDITx as a community manager.

First of all, many thanks for your contributions.

Indeed registration is mandatory and every field is required. This allow us to share the statistics by category, gender, region and age at the end of the challenge to every participants. It’s also interesting for the jury members who created the questions.

All the datas “belongs” to the sponsor of the challenge. In this case, Consors Bank. Soflfluent or Microsoft for the DotNet France, Google for the Angular.

At the end of this challenge, you will receive a call or a mail from them announcing the results, the release of the stats and the leaderboards and the results (which are privately released) and indeed…they will certainly propose Java Opportunities.

We have a debate inside EDITx about mandatory fields like the birthdate and we will see how we could add an anonyme section (outside the challenges next year).

Now, last but not least, it almost never happened but our users can opt out at anytime off course. You just have to send us a mail and we delete everything.

For those who want to participate, good luck. The best score is currently hold by an…IT student, of Uni Bielefeld :)))

It’ll be hard to figure out what the respective sponsor will do with the data, and one could play devil’s advocate by saying that this is just a sneaky way to circumvent the fact that applicants may not be asked about their age, for example. However, details are stated in the (although it’s unlikely that someone will read it entirely), and everybody who registers must be (and certainly is) aware that sponsors will receive their data. So let’s not spoil this too much with this sort of discussion. That’s just the deal.

Hello Julien,
thanks for your answer,

it would help lower distrust, if you had an “About Us” page introducing you and your goals.
As it stands right now I have no idea for which organisation you are actually working for, where you are located at, how I can contact you (despite the anonymous contact page), who is leading your business, who is responsible or what your business is all about.

1 „Gefällt mir“