JavaFX browser

Hello everybody, I’ve found this site almost accidentally after reading this post, and I’m really glad I landed here.

There is this thread that I’ve started here and that I’d like to share with you in the hope that I’ll get back some comments or feedback. I’m not going to copy-paste the whole text here in order to avoid spamming the forum, so please when you have a few minutes check it out and let me know what you think :slight_smile:

PS: as far as I can see the main language here is German. Unfortunately I can’t speak it and I hope you can accept my apologies for not sticking with the language…

Alright I’ve cleaned up the GUI a little and the code is now on GitHub. Is there really nobody interested enough to write even a simple application??

Sounds great :smiley: so you are asking for some people which should embed a small application into your framework for test purposes, aren’t you?

Btw: isn’t webstart doing the same think like jaw?

Hello groggy, thanks a lot for your interest!! I thought thoroughly about Web Start and applets in general and the answer is no, they are not doing the same thing. To deploy web start applications you usually have a website where you put a link to a JNLP file. To run the application the user needs then to download the app by hitting on the link, and subsequently it runs as a standalone desktop application. The alternative is an applet, but then you run into plugins nightmares. And on top of that the user still needs to go through a horrible popup window - of which clearly he doesn’t understand anything about - that threatens him of possible security hazards if he runs that software.
What I’m trying to do with JAW is basically getting rid of all these problems for a more smoothly delivery of applications. And the reasons I want to do this are all the advantages of running code (Java) on the client which of course performs way better than JavaScript and already has an extensive collection of libraries.

The short way of describing how one would deliver an application that runs on this browser is: „You develop a normal Java app, but instead of creating your own window you have to add your components to a panel assigned by the browser“. This for example is the HelloWorld
And obviously you can ask the browser for privileged permissions like „retrieve this URL for me“ or „store this string into the cache“.
I’ve posted this video on YT where I’m loading my HelloWorld app, so I hope this will help to better understand what I’m saying.

Now, I’ve made this HelloWorld… which is fine… but it’s just one single app :slight_smile: I’d like to find somebody who can write some more apps with me and get the project going… I think there are also a lot of possibilities here, chief among all the need of an index or search engine website which lists all the available apps and which of course will become the browser main page…

Ah ok! I thought you are using the system browser(e.g. Chrome or Firefox) but you are „emulating“ one. So you have implemented a kind of sandbox into your browser giving you needed permissions or some memory for saving/storing stuff.
That sounds great :smiley:
I would like to join your project and help developing it.

Man that’s awesome! I’ve set up a channel #jaw at so we can chat, otherwise let me know what else you prefer

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