Jcuda on Hadoop exception

Hello everyone, I 've got a problem when I write some Jcuda program based on Hadoop MapReduce.

I use the jcudaUtill. The KernelLauncherSample can be successfully executed on my worker node. However, When I submit a program containing jcuda to Hadoop MapReduce. I got following errors. Any reply will be appreciated!

10/12/09 15:41:39 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201012091523_0002
10/12/09 15:41:40 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
10/12/09 15:41:53 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0, Status : FAILED
Error: Could not load native library
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: [GC 7402K->1594K(12096K), 0.0045650 secs]
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: [GC 108666K->104610K(116800K), 0.0106860 secs]
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: [Full GC 104610K->104276K(129856K), 0.0482530 secs]
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: Error while loading native library with base name “JCudaDriver”
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: Operating system name: Linux
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: Architecture : amd64
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_0: Architecture bit size: 64
10/12/09 15:42:00 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1, Status : FAILED
Error: Could not load native library
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1: [GC 7373K->1573K(18368K), 0.0045230 secs]
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1: Error while loading native library with base name “JCudaDriver”
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1: Operating system name: Linux
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1: Architecture : amd64
attempt_201012091523_0002_m_000000_1: Architecture bit size: 64

It looks like The jcuda library file can not be sucessfully loaded. Actually, I tried many combinations.

  1. I include all the jcuda library files in my TaskTracker’s classpath, and also include jcuda library file into my mapreduce program.
  2. TaskTracker’s classpath w/o jcuda library, but my program contains them
  3. TaskTracker’s classpath w/ jcuda librara, but my program w/o them

All of them report the same error above.

I’m not familiar with Hadoop - but assume it may be using some tricky mechanisms for loading the classes…
In any case, I have just scrolled quickly over the “Map Reduce Tutorial”, and the “java.library.path” in this section jumped into my eye - but I have NO idea whether this may be used to specify the location of the JCuda libraries in your case.
I’ll have to read this more thoroughly…

problem solved. It is the java.library.path setting.
