My bachelor thesis with JCuda

maybe someone is interested what i realised with cuda, with the great help of Marco13

Its about using the gpu with cuda to fasten the hierarchical clustering analysis of text documents for information retrieval like search engines.
And my Cuda version performs very very well, but there are still very many optimisations possible.

Bachelor Thesis (German)

It seems to be ‘deleted’ at the moment…?

yeah i wasn’t sure if i am allowed to “publish” it unless it has been rated by my professor, so you have to wait a little ^^ (few months :D)

i received a 1.3 in my bachelor-thesis :), for non-german its almost the best grade you can get


I am very thankfull for all people who helped me, especially Marco13.

Thanks for this info. Is there a way to download the PDF without a facebook account? In any case, I’ll try to have a look at this, maybe during the christmas vacation. I’m currently also working on clustering, but of course, not in this depth, and mainly in the context of graph visualization.

download direct

clustering is pretty interesting, especially for cuda :),

i will translate my thesis in english and will send it to nvidia, maybe they will publish it in their clustering section :), but before i will correct your name ^^

i will maybe release my java helper classes during the week for allocating and memory transactions on 1D arrays of various types