Netbeans GUI Builder and Swogl

Hi Mr. Hutter. I really like your work.

I construct the GUI with the Builder in Netbeans, and use your bridge.

My showcase thumbnail ::klatsch

  1. Is easy to work in Netbeans
  2. You can mix Swing Components (JFrame, JComboBox, etc) and 3D Models, and aply 3D transformations :smiley:
  3. Use the OpenGL

I’m Computer Engineering Student and I am lucky to find this bridge.

Thanks, is a great work

Hello Protegon

Thank you, it’s always nice to have such a positive feedback. Although I recently worked on other projects, I think I have to tackle some of the points that are mentioned in the „Swogl Roadmap“. If you have and questions or suggestions, let me know :slight_smile:
