I use java binding for work with openCl, driver ATI version 11-2_xp32_dd_ccc_ocl. I detect that memory leak occur every time when method clEnqueueNDRangeKernel launch. The memory leak is small, about 300 bytes per call. But if application call kernel permanently that occure to significant memory leak. Personally, my memory is lost at a rate of 10 MB per second. Also error CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST occure after 700000 call of method clEnqueueNDRangeKernel. ?alculations performed correctly in the program, but the crash occurred about twenty minutes to work. For detection of thid problem i create simple test
// Obtain the platform IDs and initialize the context properties
System.out.println("Obtaining platform...");
cl_platform_id platforms[] = new cl_platform_id[1];
clGetPlatformIDs(platforms.length, platforms, null);
cl_context_properties contextProperties = new cl_context_properties();
contextProperties.addProperty(CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, platforms[0]);
// Create an OpenCL context on a GPU device
cl_context context = clCreateContextFromType(
contextProperties, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, null, null, null);
// Enable exceptions and subsequently omit error checks in this sample
cl_program fake_programm = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, new String[]{KERNEL_SRC}, null, null);
clBuildProgram(fake_programm, 0, null, null, null, null);
cl_kernel fakeKernel = clCreateKernel(fake_programm, "fakeKernel", null);
long numBytes[] = new long[1];
// Enable exceptions and subsequently omit error checks in this sample
// Get the list of GPU devices associated with the context
clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, null, numBytes);
// Obtain the cl_device_id for the first device
int numDevices = (int) numBytes[0] / Sizeof.cl_device_id;
cl_device_id devices[] = new cl_device_id[numDevices];
clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, numBytes[0], Pointer.to(devices), null);
cl_command_queue oclComands = clCreateCommandQueue(context, devices[0], 0, null);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++){
if(i%1000 == 0)
System.out.println("iterations = " + i);
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(oclComands, fakeKernel, 1, null, new long[]{0}, null, 0, null, null);
Kernel text:```
__kernel void fakeKernel(){
Crash occure on 700000 iterations when i use java binding JOCL-0.1.4-beta, bat with C++ binding this test work fine.