Remove station title bar


Is there a way to remove vertical station title bar?

Thank you.

override the getDockTitle method and return null

Yes there are ways to do that.

To just remove any title make a subclass of SplitDockStation and StackDockStation, and override the method „getDockTitle“. Return null and there will never be any title for the subclasses.

Or a bit more tricky, use the DockTitleManager. For example to disable titles on SplitDockStations for other stations, you would need code that locks like this:

// get the manager for titles
DockTitleManager titles = controller.getDockTitleManager();

// access to factories used on SplitDockStations
DockTitleVersion splitTitles = titles.getVersion( SplitDockStation.TITLE_ID, new ControllerTitleFactory() );

// Install a new factory with high priority to replace the default factory
splitTitles.setFactory( new ControllerTitleFactory(){
	public <D extends Dockable & DockStation> DockTitle createStationTitle( D dockable, DockTitleVersion version ){
		// do not create titles for any DockStation
		return null;
}, Priority.CLIENT );

[Edit: ey, I was too slow to answer :open_mouth: ]