Removing the gap between windows

I could not find this documented. How do I remove the gap between windows in DockingFrames?
I have a WorkingArea, and a Dockable to the north and south.

thank you,

You mean something like this?

int x = ... // preferred size in pixel
area.getStation().setDividerSize( x );```

Yes, except that this needs to be called on the parent, the main Frame. Is that possible?

If you use a CGridArea for the main frame, then it is the exact same code.

If you use a CContentArea for the main frame, its almost the same code:


That worked (2.), thanks. There is still a gap around the edges of the whole window, is there a way to get rid of that?

Yes, although the user will no longer be able to drag and drop Dockables to that areas if they are too small:

control.putProperty( FlapDockStation.MINIMUM_SIZE, new Dimension( x, x ) );```

that worked, thanks.