Resizing dockables


i want to disable the resizinging feature. The user mustn’t be able to resize the different dockables. Is this possible?

I still do not understand why anyone would want to disable the most important feature of the framework…

There is a method “SplitDockStation.setResizingEnabled”. That will prevent the user from resizing a Dockable (that is not floating), but drag&drop operations will still be possible. To stop them as well you need to add a “VetoableDockRelocatorListener” to the “DockRelocator” which can be accessed through “DockController.getRelocator()” (or “CControl.getController().getRelocator()”). If the listener is invoked you just call the “cancel” operation on the event object.

If you have a CContentArea: call “CContentArea.getCenterArea().getStation()” to get access to the SplitDockStation and the method “setResizingEnabled”.