Show icon and text in titel?


i want to show the titel icon and the titel text always! At moment its only visible if the dockable has the focus!

Is that possible?

I’m blindly guessing that you are using the EclipseTheme…

This should help:

control.putProperty( EclipseTheme.PAINT_ICONS_WHEN_DESELECTED, true );```

another problem: this should only be in one of my dockables!

Uh, that will be a little bit harder to solve.

At the moment the only solution would be to implement a new tab. You’ll need to do the following:

  • Write a subclass of “ArchGradientPainter”, override the “doPaintIconWhenInactive” method and return always true if the result of “getDockable” is your special dockable (you might need to cast the dockable to a CommonDockable first, to access your special CDockable).
  • Write a new TabPainter (despite the name: it’s just a factory): copy the code from the FACTORY field of ArchGradientPainter, replace the result of “createTabComponent” by your new custom subclass of ArchGradientPainter.
  • Install the new TabPainter using “CControl.putProperty” with the key “EclipseTheme.TAB_PAINTER”.