Toolbar background

Is it possible to change the background of DisplayerContentPane? I’d like to override the painter or at least change the color. I tried the following with no luck:

controller.getThemeManager().setBackgroundPaint( ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT + “.displayer”, new CustomPaint() );

The toolbars do not support changing the background yet. My take is that extensions - like the toolbars - do not need to support all settings when they are published. Otherwise they would never be finished…

I’ll put this feature on the todo-list. I might find time to add it next weekend. If you do not hear from me within the next let’s say 2 weeks, remind me of the open issue :wink:

Thanks Beni.

Is it possible to hide the ToolbarMiniButton of a ToolbarItemDockable if it only has one state? Right now I’m using the global setting:
controller.getProperties().set(ExpandableToolbarItemStrategy.STRATEGY, new ExpandableToolbarItemStrategy());

but it would be cool if I could have expandable and non-expandable toolbar items at the same time.


[QUOTE=Beni]The toolbars do not support changing the background yet. My take is that extensions - like the toolbars - do not need to support all settings when they are published. Otherwise they would never be finished…

I’ll put this feature on the todo-list. I might find time to add it next weekend. If you do not hear from me within the next let’s say 2 weeks, remind me of the open issue ;-)[/QUOTE]

The interface has a methode “isEnabled” which can be used for hiding unnecessary states, which in return will hide unnecessary buttons. The default behavior currently is to enable all the states, that is indeed not very nice. I’ll change the default, in the next release only states will show up that actually can be handled by the Toolbar-Items. So you probably don’t need to write code for yourself.

Uploaded 1.1.2p1

  1. You can now set the background, with the keys ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT + “.station.toolbar”/".station.toolbar.container"/"")

  2. The “DefaultExpandableToolbarItemStrategy” is now set by default, and it should respect the modes that are available to the items.