Update and compilation for CUDA 5.0

Marco13, I have the same error as the franja89

tried your recommendations, nothing helped
GF 440
cuda toolkit sdk 5.0.35
jCuda 5.0 RC (build 27)

EDIT> This part of the discussion has been split off from http://forum.byte-welt.net/showthread.php?p=18255#post18255 <EDIT

does not work


The current version of JCuda is compiled for the CUDA 5.0 Release Candidate. I have not yet updated for CUDA 5.0 ‘final’. You can try to compile it for your CUDA version manually, but I’ll try to do the update to CUDA 5.0 soon. (I’ve been busy with other things recently…)

Concerning JOCL Cloth: ‘Does not work’ ist not an error description.


jCuda 5.0 RC (build 27) LOG
The path to the DLL is listed as -Djava.library.path=C:/Users/…

JOCLClothDemo-0.0.4 LOG


Concerning the first message: It says „Can’t find dependent libraries“. This is due to the fact that you have installed the CUDA Toolkit version 5.0.35, but the current libraries are compiled for CUDA 5.0.27. Unfortunately, version 5.0.27 is not available in the NVIDIA Toolkit Archive. If you have a C Compiler and CMake installed, you can compile the JCuda DLL for your version (5.0.35) from the source code. In any case, I’ll try to do the update to version 5.0.35 soon. If you urgently need the library, I can try to create an early „snapshot“ version with the latest libraries and upload them this week.

Concerning the second message: Ya nye snayu patshemu eta nye rabotayet :wink: It crashes when it tries to access the shared buffers from OpenGL. Can you try to run it with the ‚Buffer Sharing‘ checkbox disabled? I’ll also try to have a closer look at this as soon as possible.


Hello Marco13,

‚Buffer Sharing‘ checkbox disabled?

No Buffer Sharing and GL Sharing.
Turned off - works!

JCuda DLL - I will try to compile.

In src not all libraries
Take something away http://www.jcuda.org/downloads/JCuda-All-0.4.2-src.zip
But still does not compile

CMake Error at JCurandJNI/CMakeLists.txt:13 (CUDA_ADD_CURAND_TO_TARGET):
Unknown CMake command „CUDA_ADD_CURAND_TO_TARGET“.

CMake Error at JCusparseJNI/CMakeLists.txt:13 (CUDA_ADD_CUSPARSE_TO_TARGET):
Unknown CMake command „CUDA_ADD_CUSPARSE_TO_TARGET“.

CMake Error at JCusparse2JNI/CMakeLists.txt:13 (CUDA_ADD_CUSPARSE_TO_TARGET):
Unknown CMake command „CUDA_ADD_CUSPARSE_TO_TARGET“.

The only library that has been removed in JCuda 0.5.0RC is JCudpp. If you do not specifically need JCudpp, you should use JCuda 0.5.0RC and not 0.4.2.

Concernnig the error message: That’s strange - the „CUDA_ADD_CURAND_TO_TARGET“ macros should be defined in ‚FindCUDA.cmake‘. I’m not sure why it prints this error message (and I’m not a CMake expert - the makefiles have fortunately been provided by a contributor). Did you use cmake-gui to configure+generate the makefiles? At which point does it print this error message?

EDIT: BTW: I’ll split this discussion off into an own thread later today - it has nothing to do with matrices :wink:

The update for CUDA 5.0 (build 35, final) has been uploaded to http://jcuda.org/ . The Win32 binaries are already available, you might want to give it a try.