XML für PMC Pubmed Keywords einfügen


ich möchte mittels einer XML einen Artikel in Pubmed einstellen. Soweit habe ich die DTD beachtet. Zum Schluss wollte ich noch “keywords” einfügen. Hierfür sagen mir die Guidelines:
Keywords should be submitted in the element, not as part of the abstract. Place the immediately following the .

To submit multiple keywords, include multiple “Object” elements, one per keyword. Here is an example of the XML:

  <Object Type=”keyword”>
    <Param Name=”value”>GSH</Param>
  <Object Type=”keyword”>
    <Param Name=”value”>Lipid peroxidation</Param>
  <Object Type=”keyword”>
    <Param Name=”value”>MDA</Param>
  <Object Type=”keyword”>
    <Param Name=”value”>Radiation</Param>

Also habe ich dies in meiner xml direkt unterhalb von eingefügt. Danach kommt nur noch:

Beim Prüfen der XML kommen dann aber Fehlermeldungen:

   124:              </abstract>
   125:              <ObjectList>
   126:                    <Object Type="keyword">
      >                                          ^
      >  No declaration for attribute Type of element Object
      >  Go to the next error
   127:                    <Param Name="value">expression</Param>
      >                                       ^
      >  No declaration for attribute Name of element Param
      >                                                          ^
      >  No declaration for element Param
      >  Go to the next error
   128:                    </Object>
      >                             ^
      >  No declaration for element Object
      >  Go to the next error
   129:        </ObjectList>
      >                     ^
      >  No declaration for element ObjectList
      >  Go to the next error
   130:      </article-meta>
      >                     ^
      >  Element article-meta content does not follow the DTD, expecting (article-id* , article-categories? , title-group , (contrib-group | aff)* , author-notes? , pub-date+ , volume? , volume-id* , issue? , issue-id* , issue-title* , supplement? , ((fpage , lpage? , page-range?) | elocation-id)? , (email | ext-link | uri | product | supplementary-material)* , history? , copyright-statement? , copyright-year? , license? , permissions? , self-uri* , related-article* , abstract* , trans-abstract* , kwd-group* , contract-num* , contract-sponsor* , grant-num* , grant-sponsor* , conference* , counts? , custom-meta-wrap*), got (article-id article-id article-id article-categories title-group contrib-group aff aff aff author-notes pub-date pub-date volume issue fpage lpage history permissions abstract ObjectList )
   131:     </front>
   132:   </article>

Was muss ich anders machen? Vielen Dank vorab!

ich wьrde gerne XML ьber XML-Beans erzeugen. Das ganze funktioniert auch schon so halbwegs, allerdings habe ich noch ein kleines Problem. Das XML, dass ich erwarte, sieht wie folgt aus:

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